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Embrace Change
Be Limitless

Transformative Life, Wellness, and Success Training

Who Am I 
Kim Nazarek

Certified Genetic Specialist
Behavioral Therapist

“We help you create short-term goals, that trigger your personal motivation, build on your natural momentum, and reach a long-term vision, and your ultimate destiny.”

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Over a decade of hands-on experience in health, nutrition, genetics, fitness, overcoming trauma, and behavioral achievement. He has taught over 100 workshops to help people identify their goals and use all the tools available to achieve and surpass their plans.

We offer true change by helping you embrace your mind and body and understand that it is not an event, but rather a beautiful journey to finding and keeping your true self. Simply put, it’s a total and complete process.

Professional Associations
The Telic Elite Difference
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How High are my Goals?
How Strong is my Will?
How Great is my Determination?
How Deep is my Faith?
What Steps Will I Take to Reach my Destiny?

The ultimate game plan is knowing where you want to end up; your ultimate goal! Then using a team approach using all the powerful tools available to reach your destiny

A football team knows that to win the Super Bowl, they must choose each step from that goal and work backward to create a strategy to win. Let's build your personal game plan.

Request additional information

Learn more about all of the strategies to help you overcome your battles and create the life you deserve. Fill out the questionnaire and one of our professionals will send you additional information.

Upcoming Events

Stories that Transform
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"After my truck accident, I was seriously injured and in pain. I could not work and struggled with depression and PTSD. My health and diet went downhill, and I began to gain a lot of weight."

Steven B

Schedule Your Confidential Appointment

Book your complimentary consultation and see how working together we can make a difference in your life.

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- Weight loss - Therapy - Nutrition


I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you do. I don’t know what keeps you up at night.

I don’t know the dreams that make your life worth living. But I do know this.

There will never be a better time to do this thing that you aim to do. Do it today. - J.M. Haynes

Contact Details

​Tel: (916) 573-0550

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